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We use the similar terminology to Hydra.

Name Description
Group A node in the input config tree, a mutually exclusive set of child options and child groups. Each child has a unique name.
Option A leaf in the input config tree, a visitable object containing data or configuration values.
Input Config Or simply Config, a tree of groups and options, with the root being a group.
Entrypoint An option specified by the user as the starting point for generating a output config. This is the same as Hydra's Primary Config
Output Config Or Merged Config, the final generated dictionary available to the user after merging all visited options, starting from the entrypoint.
Node Configuration values contained in options or the resulting output config. Primitive values, dictionaries, lists, tuples and other objects.
Package Path A path to a configuration node, usually for referencing child values in the output config.
Group Path A path to a group in the input config, usually for referencing child groups of the input config.

Generating The Output Config

The user builds the input config consisting of a tree of groups and options. Once built the output config is obtained by traversing the tree using directives specified in options themselves.

The starting point or entrypoint is defined by the user as the first option to visit, each visited option can specify other options to include in the traversal. Each time an option is visited, it is included by being merged into the output config.

Merging Process

The merging process of merging configs is simple:

  1. visit an option
  2. merge the chosen option into the output config at the location specified by __package__
  3. recursively visit options in the order specified by __defaults__ using depth first search.

Option Special Keys

Options are dictionaries containing data. At their root options can include various special keys or directives that change the behavior of the config m

Special Option Keys

_package_: str

Specify what the root of this chosen option should be after merging.

The package is a fullstop . delimited list of identifiers eg. Package paths can be either absolute or relative:

  • aboslute: does not start with fullstop eg. key.subkey
  • relative: starts with fullstop eg. .subkey.subsubkey

  • <root> set the package as the root, ie. directly merge into the config. This is equivalent to an empty package key '' but the intention is more clear.
  • <group> (default) set the package as the path to the current group that the option resides in. Current option is merged into the recursively visited keys of the path to the current group. This is equivalent to a single relative full stop '.', but the intention is more clear.

__defaults__: Dict[str, str]

A dictionary of group paths to option names that should also be visited and merged.


__defaults__ is similar to defaults in hydra config.

Group paths are similar to package paths, but consist of identifiers delimited by forward slashes / instead of full stops. They can be absolute or relative:

  • aboslute: starts with a forward slash eg. /group/subgroup
  • relative: does not start with a forward slash eg. subgroup/subsubgroup

The root group is not named, rather reference it as /. Aliases are not supported unlike packages.

Option names are single identifiers that correspond to the name of an option in the group referenced by the group path.

Last update: February 15, 2021